
Help please! parents are WACK

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my parents are usually nice and stuff but recently they have been pressuring me about school work and marks at school. im in year 10 and do quite well but they have recently been telling me not to make plans to go out at all during the term with my friends.

this makes me so angry!!!! all my friends go out to the movies and stuff,, and i work even harder than them and do well but my rents still dont let me go out much!

whenever i bring up going out with my mates with mi mum she gets all grumpy and mad.

wtf is up wit them

they keep sayin time goes fast yyu will be at uni soon n be able to have fun


what can i do to convince them to let me do stuff durng the term??

boy is it annoying

any feed back wuld be great




  1. Talk to them and try and reason with them :]

  2. I'm starting yr 10 in september i don't know my parents are alright demand to know why you cant go out they care about you and your future just say you will become socialy depressed and commit suicide if you cant go out thats abit drastic though lol  

  3. OK. You are in year 10. That is what...16 or so? You are old enough to sit down calmly and ask your parents "Why?".

    Here is the kicker. You must ask it in a specific way. Say something like this, " I am really confused about why I cannot go out during term. If I get a ___ by second term, than can I go out on Friday or Saturday? " 80's may not be good enough for them. Are those marks good enough for college? This is the time to worry about that.

    Believe me, your parents have a reason for making this rule. Even though ya'll think we just make rules to make you miserable, we don't. We don't like having you upset any more than you like being upset.

    And FYI. Your approach may be hindering your case. I know when my teenager keeps badgering me in a disrespectful way, I just want to stand my ground and not listen.

    While most parents detest bargaining, if you prove to them your are responsible and keep your grades up, more freedom will come your way.

    And you have TONS of time to have fun. But your whole future rides on your education, so that should come first.

  4. no one uses the word "wack" anymore dude

  5. clearly your grades arent that good when you spell like someone in kindy!

    listen to your parents

  6. I would say sneek out,

    but that's probably not the best idea...



    it could corrupt your life then you will end up alone with

    23480923 cats and everyone will hate you and you are always

    feeling left out from inside jokes with the movies, and if your social

    life complete plumits you might end up in depression that could lead to


    Yeah the last one is a HUGE HUGE stretch...but I mean...whatever works right?  

  7. tell you parents how you feel. if that dose not work tell them there FKN LOSERS

  8. well I suppose you've tried talking to them about it already so I can't suggest that...

    but I think the best thing to do is do your best in school and show them it's no problem this first term or whatever and then see if that'll lighten them up a bit...

    or you could try making a deal with them and explaining how important hanging out is to you as school is to them. and maybe they'll give you times to hang out and you'll study and do work the rest of the times...

  9. They are probably worried that you are growing up, and they are not sure how to deal with giving you more freedom and responsibility...saying you can have fun in Uni is a terrible thing to say, because kids who haven't learned to balance their personal lives with studying will really suffer at Uni...all of a sudden, they get given this HUGE amount of freedom and don't know how to deal...and end up failing because instead they are out partying each and every night.

    Perhaps say that you will write up a roster.  You get to do something every Friday evening, except during exam times...specify what kinds of things you would like to do, like sleepovers, movies, DVD's at a friends house, coffee, etc...ask them if you can try it out for a term, and if your grades slip, they can revoke your privileges.

    Good luck!  

  10. tell them.

    tell them what you just said.

    minus the cussing and the fact that there wack. lol.

    if that doesn't work then prove to them your responsible.

  11. So you think your mum is an escapee from the cracker factory do you?  I am unsure of the laws where you are, so I can't tell you to go out anyway because they can't do anything about it, besdes the fact that doing so would be irresponsible, and when you get caught at it, your situation would probably be worse than now.  If you are getting good marks as you say you are, and they are good enough for you to get a chair at uni, then it seems and would feel like being a prisoner.  Not knowin the specifics, is it possible to send you transcripts to the different uni's that  you are intereste in and see if they believe your maks are good enough.  If someone at uni sends you a letter stating this, then you can show it to you parents  and use it to bargain with them for a bit more freedom..onthe weekends.  Dad had a very hard rule about schoolnights and going out with friends.  his rule was NO.  Years later now I have to agree with dad on that one, although at the time i was not very happy about it.  By showing you are being responsible about your future at uni, you will gain a bit moe trust and leverage in your bargaining session.

    Now email me some Tim-Tams and jelly babies please!!  I can't get them in the states!!!!  (ok, my whining is over now)


  12. I think your parents feel pressure to make sure you have the best start in life possible, so they transfer the pressure of getting good grades to you. It is a competitive world out there now- you really do need a good education to make ends meet any more when you get out into the world on your own.

    So- that said- maybe you can have a sit down with them and make some deals. One night out with friends for each "A" you get on a test? Something like that. It would show that you are willing to put in a real effort at school in order to have the fun you want to have as a teenager.  

  13. 80 percent is acceptable by most student's standards but I suppose your parent's feel that you are capable of doing better. Show them better grades in the classes that you aren't getting 80s in and try to get better grades in the classes that you are doing decent in. Ask them to exchange good grades for a weekend night out.  

  14. talk to your parents about how you feel, and be completely honest.  But listen to them too, and be open minded about what they have to say!! they are you parents, they love you and want whats best for you!

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