
Help please?????!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Heya guys I'm 15, (16 in Feb) and currently searching for a part-time (after school & on weekends) job i live in Ireland! Any suggestions as where i can go to look for one??

i don't want something like baby-sitting or odd jobs eg. cleaning, picking up groceries etc.. (its a been there done that kinda thing)

i want definite working hours..

I've wanted to work since i turned 13 but now I'm finally old enough to get a job which is great! :) i like to be independent and earn my own money :D

Also any ideas on headings for a CV?

(On the CV im looking at right now it has down:; Objective, employment, languages, references, qualifications, functional summary etc..) Obviously that will have to be changed because im a student so any ideas for headings or what to write would be great too??




  1. Whats wrong with babysitting? I earn about £80 - 100 a week by babysitting which is really useful as i get paid cash in hand so i don't have to wait for any wages to come through. The only other thing i can think of for someone your age is waitressing. You could also write to someplace like a logistics company to see if there is any weekend office work available, though they might not employ you until you're 16.

  2. It's a good idea to look round your local shops and ask if they have any jobs going.

    I know it's horrible but it's true - because you're younger they will be interested because they can get away with paying you much less than they would someone over 18.

    On my CV I have - Education, Qualifications, Previous Employment, Work Experience, Extra-curricular activities, and additional skills (like languages, computer packages etc) - it's up to you though, there's not really a strict rule to the format.

  3. Try looking at this website :

  4. local shops or pubs?
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