
Help! please read!?

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i want a pet rabbit SOOOOOOOOOO bad! but my dad will NOT say yes i want it 4 my b-day (7/31) i already have a name!!! help me convince him! please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. 115$ isnt even enough for a proper cage! rabbits are alott they need sttaple food, hay, fresh fruit and veggies. lots ofbedding (aspen or a paper product!!) , anual vet check-ups and shots (yes, they NEED this) plus unexpected costs like a surprise visit to the vet. they cost alott of money. get  a smaller rodent like a hamster insttead

  2. umm do ur research and yea thats enuff.... for the rabbit but you need cage food bedding ect



  4. One thing Ive learned is that when you beg too much, my parents get annoyed and mad, but that's MY parents. The way i usually get something is to say "ill take good care of them" and purposely clean up something in front of them and show alto of responsibility. And, if the question ever comes up on what gender and kind of rabbit you want, pick a girl mini-lop. They are the BEST! I have two of them and they love us. They come to me when i call them and follow me everywhere. I named them Flopsy and Mopsy (sisters) they also love each other dearly. Anyway, that's a name suggestion and i hope you dad gives in!!

  5. hmm. If you keep asking, he will know you want one ad get it for you. I was supposed to wait untill I was 10 to have one, but I got it at 8!

  6. well do chores or clean his car or something around the house and get good grades

  7. Tell him its the only thing you want for your b-day and you wont take anything else than a bunny.

  8. Lol, I've had the same problem for 3 years, he finally gave 3 days ago, and let me get one, he's only 5 weeks old, and I named him Bandit.

    Any tell him a bunny is the only thing you want for your birthday, and you'll take care of it, and work for the expenses, and you'll clean his cage/ Hutch weekly.

    And you'll help your dad around the house with anything he wants untill school starts.

    If he still says no, don't get upset, just keep asking, or hinting.

    If you do end up getting him to give in, email me for info, and items, and more about rabbits,

    I can tell you absalutely anythign you wanna know!And I'll help however I can!

    Also, I've heard male rabbits are nicer, I however wanted a female, but of course, I didn't get my way, and I got a little boy.

    But females can be moody, mean and destructive, males can spray, and they tend to smell worse, but I still suggest a little boy bunn.

    Good luck though!

    Keep me updated!
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