
Help plzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

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My dad's getting remarried!!!! Meghan's EVIL she has taken over my life. She took ALL of my cute clothes to the salvation army. now im left with not many options. any ideas? please be nice. thanks.




  1. Tell the idiot lady to buy you clothes back.

    Or make your dad buy them back.

    The woman shouldn't be taking your clothes.

  2. just remember what goes around comes around have faith in your dad .just hang in there pray and god will help you if you mean it , and you need it .

  3. whoa

    tell your dad this woman is out of place and taking your things

    make sure you tell her that it is not ok

  4. Take her perfume and replace the fragrance with bleach, so that when she wears it, it bleaches her clothes.. put Vinegar in her shampoo. and then slap her with a bass

  5. Your best option is to talk to your Dad about how you are feeling?

    Maybe he hasn't realised how this is affecting you!

  6. You seriously need to talk to your dad

  7. Honey the only thing you can do is talk to your father about this. Unfortunately you are stuck with having to deal with this woman because she is your step mother now. If it gets too bad, maybe you can live with you mother. I'm sorry, but one day you will be an adult, it'll happen faster than you think, and you will be free to make your own decisions.

  8. Have you tried talking to her and your Dad? I would arrange a sit down and talk it out.

    This a very difficult situation. I have been there myself. Like I said sit down and talk it out. Things can always be resolved with talking it out. Good Luck.

  9. tell your dad! if he says hes still getting married,try to live with mommy,if not, revenge baby,revenge...........

  10. ohh this is a hard question. my dad met someone when i was 15. and i hated her. everything about her just irritated me. she was mean and cocky. she made me feel dumb. she always bought me ugly clothes that were wayy out of stlye. and i tried to talk to my dad. he just didnt understand why i wasnt happy 4 him. i WAS happy for him....i was feeling bad for but try to talk to your dad. when she goes shopping start pointing out the things you like. leave major hints. or just be blunt and tell her.

  11. Have you talked to you dad?? And mabye you thought they where cute but she thhought they where inaproprate for your age! I would think it to be helpful knowing that I could give you better advice that way.

  12. This is a difficult situation. Maybe she felt your clothes were inappropriate for your age but what she did is a little extreme. I would as calmly as possible talk to your dad (do not call your future step-mom evil even if you feel that way) tell him your concerns .hopefully you well be able to work out a compromise, such as helping with housework etc in return for being allowed to wear something "cute". good luck and keep talking to your dad and hopefully you can reach an agreement.

  13. Ha ok but I didn't think evil gave to the salvo'. Jk they're your clothes, have a one on one talk with your dad about solutions and putting up with it.
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