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I hav a test tomorrow and i left my book at my parents house!

1. What happened in the 1970's that caused major lines at the gas pump? (4 points)

A) Watergate

B) Title IX

C) Gulf War

D) Energy Crisis because OPEC refused to ship oil to the United States

2. Which war was begun to locate weapons of mass destruction and to remove Sadam Hussien from power? (4 points)

A) Operation Enduring Freedom

B) War in Iraq 2003

C) Operation Global Peace

D) Operation Save the World

3. ______________ opened free trade between Canada, the United States and Mexico. (4 points)

A) Americans with Disabilities Act


C) Waco, Texas

D) Columbine

4. Who became president immediately after Nixon resigned? (4 points)

A) Ford

B) Roosevelt

C) Johnson

D) Bush

5. Where did the terrible school shooting occur in 1999? (4 points)

A) Waco, Texas

B) Oklahoma City

C) Columbine, Colorado

D) New York City

6. What were the people called who protested the war in Vietnam? (4 points)

A) Doves

B) Hawks

C) Falcons

D) Parrots

7. Which fundamentalist Islamic group took over Afghanistan in 1996? Operation Enduring Freedom was fought to remove their rule from Afghanistan. This government was removed in 2001 but the rebuilding of Afghanistan continues today. (4 points)

A) Taliban

B) al-Qaeda

C) Y2K

D) Melgardaban

8. What is it called to formally charge an official with a crime or to formally remove an official from office? (4 points)

A) Retirement

B) Impeachment

C) Communism

D) Democracy

9. What is a computer glitch that only showed the year by the last two digits? It was feared that when the year changed from 1999 to 2000, computers would think it was really 1900 as they only read the last two digits. (4 points)

A) Taliban

B) al-Qaeda

C) Y2K

D) Yucky Bug

10. In 1989 a tragic environmental disaster occurred in Alaska. Which of the following was it? (4 points)

A) The Three Mile Island disaster

B) The Exxon Valdez disaster

C) The Chernobyl disaster

D) The Dust Bowl

11. Amidst a terrible hurricane season, what 2005 hurricane was the costliest of its time? (4 points)

A) Hurricane Rita

B) Hurricane Floyd

C) Hurricane Katrina

D) Hurricane Isabel

12. Identify where the Branch Davidians lived and were raided by federal officials in 1993. (4 points)

A) Waco, Texas

B) Oklahoma City

C) Columbine, Colorado

D) New York City

13. What president in the 1970's vowed to have the hostages in Iran released? (4 points)

A) Carter

B) Nixon

C) Ford

D) Reagan

14. What is a declaration to the public of the objectives that a person, group, or political party strives to achieve? (4 points)

A) Foreign Policy

B) Domestic Policy

C) Friendly Policy

D) Platform

15. The ____________ is an Islamic terrorist group led by Osama bin Laden. (4 points)

A) Taliban

B) al-Qaeda

C) Y2K

D) Melgardaban

16. Two historical events occurred on television in the 1980's. Which two events occurred in the 1980's? (4 points)

A) In 1981, MTV started. Also in 1981, Prince Charles married Diana in a world viewed wedding.

B) In 1981, MTV started. Also in 1981, the Vietnam War ended.

C) In 1981, NBC first started. Also in 1981, Prince Charles married Diana in a world viewed wedding.

D) In 1981, NBC first started. Also in 1981, the Vietnam War ended.

17. Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward uncovered the Watergate scandal in which newspaper? (4 points)

A) The Washington Post

B) The New York Times

C) The Enquirer

D) The London Times

18. What is development that meets today's needs but does not harm the world or the environment for future generations? (4 points)

A) Sustainable Development

B) Foreign Policy

C) Domestic Policy

D) Republic

19. Who became the first women on the Supreme Court in 1981? (4 points)

A) Sandra Day O'Connor

B) Ruth Bader Ginsberg

C) Hillary Clinton

D) Harriet Miers

20. What were the people called who supported the war in Vietnam? (4 points)

A) Doves

B) Hawks

C) Falcons

D) Parrots

21. Which space shuttle disintegrated upon re-entering the Earth's atmosphere on February 1, 2003? (4 points)

A) Space Shuttle Columbia

B) Space Shuttle Challenger

C) Space Shuttle Discovery

D) Space Shuttle Kennedy

22. _________ pardoned President Nixon almost immediately after taking office. (4 points)

A) Agnew

B) Ford

C) Carter

D) Reagan

23. This person became President after Nixon resigned. (4 points)

A) Reagan

B) Ford

C) Nixon

D) Bush

24. Basically, what was the Cold War? (4 points)

A) It was a harsh war fought in the winter.

B) It was a conflict that occurred because of the differences between communism and democracy.

C) It was a bloody war fought in the barren, frigid region of Siberia.

D) It was a conflict that existed between the leaders of Canada and the leaders of the United States.

25. ______________ was an African American driver who was pulled over and beaten by white police officers. This beating sparked major racial problems in Los Angeles and across the country. (4 points)

A) Sadam Hussein

B) Rodney King

C) David Koresh

D) Timothy McVeigh




  1. Wow thats a lot of questions I will give you my answers. If i put a question mark after an answer then i'm not 100% sure ok :).......

    1. D

    2. B

    3. B

    4. C?

    5. C

    6. A?

    7. A

    8. B

    9. C

    10. B?

    11. C

    12. B?

    13. C?

    14. C?

    15. B

    16. A?

    17. A

    18. A

    19. D?

    20. B?

    21. A

    22. A?

    23. B?

    24. B

    25. B?

    I hope this helps you a bit :)

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