
Help... really..?

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i am told to do a presentation about river management..

i tried to find as much info as possible

but i couldn't find.. how is the amazon river and the thames river... the types of river management




  1. questions abit vague. wad do u mean by management? u mean cleanliness? if ur comparing thames and amazon, well thames and amazon are quite hard to compare because u have to tell of each others characteristics, life around it and the life in it and where it leads to. thames i have no idea where it leads to but it has become almost part of british culture because it passes through different cities and the british from the olden days even built magnificent castles and buildings which utilize the river as a transportation to the castle. obviously, the thames has been well maintained and it has become an attraction for england which also further enhanced the popularity of landmarks like the london bridge.

    Amazon is entirely different because brazil is just too big, amazon branches out too much and most of the population surrounding the amazon are tribesmen that depend on the amazon waters for drinking bathing washing everything and since theres no pollution in the amazons done by industries, it is maintained so well such that wild life still depends on its waters for survival.

    and dude, if i got this presentation i would kill the teacher.

  2. omg.  you really need yo do your homework.....
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