
Help regarding a nosy family friend?!?

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My mom's best friend started calling me a few months ago when I was having trouble with my father and his family. It was therapeutic the first couple of conversations but when things stabilized with my father's health, this woman seems rather nosy and invasive to me. I don't know how to tell her that I do not wish to discuss my relationship with my dad. I think she gossips and loves the drama. I just talked to her the other day and she was trying to rile me up about my dad's behavior towards me. I don't like that but I don't want to insult her either. I think she basically means well.




  1. Just tell her that your relationship with your dad is off-limits during conversation. You can still be friends with her and confide in her, but don't talk about anything that makes you uncomfortable. If she continues to be invasive and "rile you up" then tell her you can't continue to talk to her about your problems. Good luck, friend!

  2. Stop taking her calls and even when you do once in a while cut the conversation short as soon as she starts getting nosy.....she might get the message.

  3. You are right, some people just enjoy drama.  I would just try to set a good example by not engaging her in the gossip. Try to politely change the subject or excuse yourself from the conversation. She should get the hint eventually.

  4. Punch her nose

  5. sadly, i am 16 and have had people like this in my life already as well.

    it is consoling at first, but after you realize that things can get better, you don't necessarily want someone picking every aspect of your life.

    i would say, in your conversations with her, be short and to the point with any responses and if she touches on anything too personal, brush her off subtly or say that you would prefer not to talk about certain areas.

    and if she is truly in it for the drama, she will eventually get tired of your 'boring' conversations, and their lack of interesting substance and call you about such items of conversation less and less.

    good luck with your friend, and i hope all else remains well.


  6. You need to go to your Mom and tell her to inform her friend to back off.

  7. Tell her that you thought she was there to lend a sympathetic ear but now you know she just wants to stir things up.  Tell her that you thought she was your friend, but you guessed wrong.  Then hang up.  Is it possible your mother may partially be behind this?  May need to have a little chat with her too.

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