
Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! running a mile...?

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tomorrow in gym we are supposed to run a mile...

well this is how it is i can barely run like 3 laps around the gym without 5 minutes of deep breathing afterward

i feel like i cant breath most of the time and i get a cold sweat

is there anything to help me before tommorow?

i need to run it in a pretty decent time too. like maybe 10 minutes.




  1. Well, depending on what time you have to run, i might suggest chomping a banana tomorrow morning, because bananas have potassium which helps keep cramps away.  While your running just keep a good pace that suits you and you will probably run faster than 10 minutes.

           Also, make sure that you don't eat anything more than 2 hours before you run.

  2. It's a little too late to do anything about it now. Just remember to start off slow it's only four laps around the track. If you can keep (actually) running for the whole distance. 10:00 minutes should be pretty easy. I know people that can walk a mile in 11:00.

  3. Good runners can do 2 miles in 10 minutes.  You don't need to run that fast, but you can get a better time than a 10 minute mile.  There is not much you can do now other than eat light and get plenty of rest.  All your meals between now and then should be fruits, vegetables, milk, and small portions of low-fat beef, turkey, chicken, or fish.  No desserts, fried foods, junk foods, greasy foods (butter, bacon, sausage) or anything else otherwise fattening.  When you run tomorrow, push yourself like stretching your legs into a good jogging stride so you are getting farther with each step.  Taking short steps will tire you out in roughly the same time, but you would not have gone as far.  Think of running in place.  You can wear yourself out in roughly the same amount of time but get nowhere right?  You may as well get as far as you can toward that finish line before you have to start walking.  You might have to start walking, but push yourself a little farther, like when you feel like stopping, look up ahead for a landmark, like agree to start walking when you make it to the next corner of the gym or when you finish this lap.  Then walk some, but don't wait until you stopped sweating, just until you stopped breathing real heavy.  And then sprint at least the last 100 yards.  

    Oh, and if they are testing you now, then they are probably going to grade you on your effort instead of your time, so don't shuffle your feet, limit your walking, and sprint at the end.  Then they will probably also test you at the end of the year for progress thus measuring your effort all year, so get lots of practice running this year and you might get an A based on your improvement when they test you at the end of the year.

  4. pace yourself and breathe easy. also, try and stay straight up. DONT STOP MOVING at least walk as fast as you can if you cant run the whole thing. the more you stop or go to a slow walk, the longer its gonna take you to get to the end. Give yourself a reward if you make it under 10 minutes and keep thinking about it as you are running. Dont think of the actual distance youre running, think of the prize at the end.

  5. suck it up and quit whining the milers on my track team run it in less than 6 minutes i sprint and i can run it in less than 7  

  6. Don't think about anything, just run, run like h**l! If you feel like you should stop, don't stop! Running is good for you, so no matter what it's healthy. Drink small sips of water during that day. Eat good the night before. AND DON'T GIVE UP OR STOP!

  7. take deep breaths while you run and try to control your breathing and just run at a comfortable pace, don't start off to fast and just go for a nice easy run, you will do fine just know your limits on how much you can do and just give a good effort, hope this helps answer your question

  8. Ok i will try and help you the best i can!!!

    1. simply breath in through your nose out through your mouth try not to breath too heavy!!

    2. Simply hold your ams @ your side and swing them back in forth gently don't criss cross them or swing at and angle swing them straight!! Your fingers should be relaxed!! pretend your holding a chip.

    4. Make big strides!!

    5.focus on your goal picture yourself finishing w/ a gr8 time over and over. Think of things that make you happy!!  (Maybe a big cake?!?!)

    6. read this article it is gr8!!,71...

    7. for breakfast you want to combine a carb and a proriten so have one peice of whole wheat toast with some peanut butter on it and a glass of water try to eat 2 hours before. Don't over eat trust me!! The night before have a carb like pasta. Drink tons of water the week of. How much? Take your body weight in pounds and dived it in half that is how many oz. of water you should have.


    If you have to run it after lunch make sure that you don't drink any milk and eat pasta if it is possible. Milk is horrible and will make you sick easily.

    Try to strecth before you run.

    Pace yourself, do not go too fast nor too slow because you dn't want to end up having to walk the last few laps nor do you want to finish wishing you had done better.

    Don't walk at all because despite the fact that it may seem you are running/jogging so slow it won't matter, you might not be able to start running again, besides you don;t want other people to think that you have to walk the mile and you can't even run it.

    Keep yourself motivated and tell yourself that it will all be over in less than 12 minutes, and that everyone else has to do it too.

    Goodluck and don't give up.

  9. pace yourself. since you're not used to running you want to really take it easy. its only a mile. first lap try to run hard. second lap conserve energy. since this isnt a race, you dont have to finish well so do what you want in the third lap. oh yea guy who made that negative comment i can run my mile in 5:50 and im 12

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