
Help? self esteem problem? confidence problem?

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okay so i'm 14, i don't think i'm all that pretty...but i'm ok.

but i am really feeling bad about myself.

i don't have any health, pyshical or mental problems.

i just get pimples now and then and they really make me hate myself.

i have tried everything for my pimples, nothing works.. from one cleanser to another.

fromclean and clear to proactiv, NOTHING.

even got stuff from my doctor.

i'm going into high school soon and i don't feel good about myself.

how can i boost up my self esteem? one thing that really would help if my acne went away :(.




  1. Queen Helene Mint Mask is AMAZING and about $2. It dries up any problem zits and if you have blackheads it sucks them out.

  2. look in the mirror and compliment yoursels

    say "oh, what pretty eyes you have" and "who did your nails? GASP! you did them yourself?"

  3. I use the Oil of Olay Pore Redefininf Scrub. The little beads get ruid of your dry skin and the liquid cleans your pores out.

    It is the best thing, trust me! =) I hope this helped.

  4. cheer up buttercup! :) Everyone has gone through their rough stages when they feel the way you do. My friend has used just about every product to treat her acne but nothing seemed to work. However, she bought the "Bare Mineral" makeup (its kind of expensive, and you have to order it online) and it hides her acne VERYYYYYY well!! So my recommendation is to ask your parents to get you the Bare Mineral makeup as an early Christmas present, because I promise it will help hide your acne without your face even looking like it has to much make up on it!  

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