
Help - smelly breath??????

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I have recently developed a case of bad breath. I also have a white/yelow furry blanket on my tongue. What causes such like and what can i do to freshen up?




  1. Check with your dentist that there is no under-lying gum infections first.

    You have to clean your tongue as well as your teeth.  You can get brushes especially for this from local supermarkets or pharmacies.  Use a good mouthwash after brushing (with no alcohol), which gives good protection against bacteria and plaque.  

    Sugar free mints or gum are good for a quick freshen up during the day when brushing isn't an option.  Or after meals, eat a small piece of fresh parsley.  

    Eating a healthy balanced diet and avoiding caffeinated drinks, alcohol, spicy food or smoking will help too.

    Good luck.

  2. you need to go see a doctor.sounds like you have thrush

  3. If you've given oral s*x recently you may have caught a nasty infection... you should go to your doctor without delay...

  4. Mouth Wash Make sure you get a mouth wash without alcohol in it tho. & Mayb wen you feel like your gettin bad breath then have a chewing gum or mint :)

  5. hey i suggest that u brush your tongue often and it souns like thrush so u might wanna go see ur dentist

  6. eliminate bad breath by controlling bad bacteria in the mouth is important as well as to regain self-confidence and never to become embarrassed about your breath again.

    bad breath is caused by dirty mouth. that is why it always vital to keep breath as fresh as always using all natural oral care product that have no alcohol content. use all natural oral care that contains only essential oils that can help fight the cause of bad breath. since bad breath may also be triggered by the foods you eat; simply cut down the foods that can make bad breath problems like garlicky meals.

    proper brushing and flossing is a good way to keep breath smell fresh. visit for more bad breath care tips

  7. Brush your teeth 2-3 times daily and your tongue. Don't forget to floss between your teeth and buy a mouth wash..

  8. brush your tongue, because the white on your tongue is what causes the smell. also i personally find that chrysanthemum tea is the best "way to take care of breath" in the morning.

    plus its so good :P

  9. Hey, as well as the usual brushing, and flossing (very important to get rid of tiny food particles which can build up and start to stink!) you should take a look at the types of foods you are eating. See if you notice a pattern between what you eat and how your breath is. Drinking alot of coffee, and alcohol, as well as eating certain foods eg. carbohydrates, have been known to cause bad breath.

    If this doesnt help, ask a dentist!!

  10. brush your tongue, brush your teeth regularly and dont eat foods which are unhealthy. plus eat lots of fibre so you go to the toliet often

  11. Bad breath is caused by the build up of plaque and bacteria in the mouth so it is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Brush all sides of the teeth and brush for at least 3 minutes. Brush your tongue at the end until any white on the tongue is scrubbed off. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with a mint mouthwash and floss in between your teeth. Throughout the day carry a minty spray to keep your fresh smelling breathe. Also, try to avoid garlic foods or any strong smelling foods.  

  12. After Brushing your teeth, gums and tongue twice a day use corsodyal mouthwash(not sure spellings right) I used this as i had trouble and using this cleared the problem, it does say on the bottle it can cause slight discolouring of the teeth (sometimes) Hope this helps

  13. You don't brush your teeth enough

    When i got braces he gave me this leaflet with a whole list of things.

    And brush your tongue


  14. Could be coming from your stomach, see a dentist or doctor.

  15. brush your teeth

  16. Brush your teeth twice daily. Once in the morning and one in the evening. For complete guidance on brad breath and its causes refer to the following link

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