
Help!! softball problems

by  |  earlier

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ok so i used to throw a softball really well. but i got hit in the arm by a pitcher and couldn't throw a ball for at least a month so it could get better. how can i rebuild my arm besides to just keep to keep throwing?




  1. who cares

  2. i

  3. lift weights for the forearms and biceps, also work out your shoulder and work it to hard b/c if you do it will get hurt again

  4. They make a training aide that pitchers us to strengthen their arms.  Its like a big rubber band with a loop at each end.  You either put your foot in one end and hand in the other or tie on end to a tree or post.  Then just make a throwing motion so that the farther your arm moves forward the tighter the band gets.

    This build ALOT of strength.

    Other than that any weight training focusing on deltoid (shoulders) should help.

  5. I play softball too just not pitching, What you can do for now is to do simple rehab assignments. Stretch you arm out for flexibility simple weight lifting also throw a bullpen session meaning throw about 20-40 pitches ever day or when you feel comfortable increase the sessions. Hope I could help ! Wish I could softball pitch :[  

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