
Help something is wrong with me!!!!!?

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i am a 13 year old female .i get dizzy easily(like seeing spots or blacking out.) frequently.moodiness,zits,stomach pains and headaches.2 people in my family have diabetes my aunt and my great grandfather.(BUT THEY HAVE TYPE 2, I THINK I HAVE TYPE ONE OR HYPOGLYCEMIA)please help NOW. i am going in for a school physical in two weeks what tests should i ask for.i am also scared to ask for them,how do i ask for them. i am really scared please help (i hate needles)

or are those the symptoms of type 2?

also whenever i have sugar i crash HARD like 2 days ago i had 3 Hershey kisses and i slept for 8 hours (not normal)




  1. You might have diabetes, Hope you don't though.

  2. Even though you are a minor,

    and should not be on this website to begin with,

    you need to discuss this with your parents,

    who, I'm sure, will be totally surprised by your symptoms.

    Glad I could help.

  3. What is with people tonight, I thought I was stupid!! Something is wrong with you, go and be 13 OUTSIDE!!

  4. Make sure the physical exam (person) knows these symptoms and they will test you for specific conditions.

    Are you sure you are eating correctly?  Hershey's kisses aren't enough to eat.  And you are going through puberty ~ so cut yourself some slack !! Wierd things happen during puberty.  

    Let the doctor who gives you your physical check you out thoroughly.

  5. Ignore 'skaizun' when he says you shouldn't be on here. 13 is the minimum age that you can be on Yahoo answers, so you are fine - I just read the rules.

    Many of your symptoms could simply be associated with hormonal changes that you will be going through at your age. They could also be symptoms of diabetes, although the more common signs of juvenile diabetes (Type 1) are excessive thirst, frequent passing of urine and inability to put on weight. You may also find that your breath has an nasty smell to it which is due to the prescence of keytones (toxins) that your body will have trouble eliminating.

    Type 2 diabetes (controlled by tablets and diet) commonly develops in older people, especially if they are overweight. However, a predisposition to getting diabetes does run in familes so it's worth getting checked out and quickly.

    Untreated diabetes can severely affect your health and lead to major complications and you'll wish you spoke to a doctor sooner. Please speak to your parents and see your family doctor ASAP.

    I wish you well.

  6. Ask to be tested for diabetes.

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