
Help <span title="please.....................?">please......................</span>

by  |  earlier

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ok, so this is my problem. Im having a problem with body odor. I workout at home and sweat ALOT yet no body odor since sometimes i have shirt off or a sleeveless shirt. But when im at school in gym class, i sweat and i smell inside my gym shirt and it smells bad. Even after i change to my regular clothes i smell inside shirt and stinks real bad. But no odor when i have no shirt on. Before gym in my regular clothes the inside of my shirt smells fresh.

please help, im desperate.




  1. wear a more powerful deoderant, and try some good-smelling cologne.

    axe, and the stuff from hollister are my favorites :] :]

  2. You are fine. For one you are a guy and guys sweat ALOT. I understand your frustration with the odor tho. So just wear you sleeveless shirt and put on some good deodorant (typically a gel). After that spray on some axe (body deodorant) and you will be fine.  

  3. I would have to agree on using some deodorant, but the probable reason that it smells when u have a shirt on is because the sweat gets absorbed into your clothes, and that&#039;s what makes the odor. When you are in gym class, just get a tissue or something and wipe yourself down in the bathroom.

  4. I&#039;m sorry for sounding stupid but you didn&#039;t mention anything about deodorant. Just use a more powerful deodorant before gym class and that should do the trick. Even if you sweat a lot it will neutralize the odor. Try using a gel deodorant before gym so you don&#039;t have white flakes under your arm.

  5. This explains why some people stink like body odor and do nothing about it.

    I would try the new clinical strength deodorants.  It should help with the sweating and the odor.  

    Trust me, if you stink inside the shirt, you stink outside the shirt.

  6. Your key is not actually a deodorant but a good anti-perspirant. Make sure the label says it on there.

  7. try a really stong deoderant, you can buy some off the internet that you only have to apply once a day/week or something, i don&#039;t know the name though sorry

  8. 1. Deodorant.

    2. Your diet - sometimes eating, for example, garlic, makes people smell badly, their sweat included.

    3. Botox - against super sweatness, consult with your doctor.

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