
Help... swallowed pills?

by  |  earlier

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i swallowed a soft capsule pill last night and while it was going down my throat i felt like it was stuck. i get This feel most times a swallow pillsso i thought it was nothing different. the pill worked and i drank a lot of water but the feeling was still there. it didn't hurt it just felt like pill was stuck in my thrat. i went to sleep and in the ornig it was still htere i ate food with no pain but after i finished the feeling was gone for a minute then the feeling came back. the feeling is still there as i write this. my parents said that i probably scratched my throat and that this was just a side affect but im in no pain. it feel as if im choking or a pill is stuck. a mix between both.. please if anyone has had this.. what should i do!




  1. Most likely your parents are right, but if it keeps bothering you ask them to look down your throat with a flashlight.l

  2. You should make an appointment to see a therapist and start therapy because (no pun intended) its in your head.

  3. this feeling is happening because:

    the pill went down side ways and stretched your esophagus

  4. I'm an expert at this. Alright first you have to relax because by showing fear you inflame the throat area. The best way to relax is to slowly breath in through your nose.

    Now it will wiggle it's way down,but if you think you inhaled it then call the emergency room and just ask them. Stay relaxed. You are not choking and everything will be okay.

    Have some toast and water ,but VERY VERY little amounts at a time.

    Next time you swallow pills this is waht you should do.

    1) Swallow water first as it lubricates your throat.

    2)Put pill on tongue.

    3)Pour a decent amount of water in your mouth WITHOUT swallowing.

    4) Now with pill and water still in your mouth CLOSE your mouth and swallow and it will go down like food automatically.

    REASON: Because when you drink and swallow there's an unknown fear that you will inhale the pill so it gets stuck because you tense up.

    So as proof close your mouth and breath in. the air goes though your nose right? So when you have water and a pill in your mouth and swallow with mouth closed trust me the fear is gone and the pill goes down easy. Keep mouth closed when swallowing!

  5. It probably stuck in that one spot until it disolved and you are jusyt a little irritated there

  6. I don't know what you've had to eat, but when I feel like I have a pill stuck in my throat, drinking a really thick milkshake or eating bread helps me at least thing I'm scraping it from the side of my throat. Also, try drinking something really hot to melt any tiny bit that could maybe be stuck. I don't see why it wouldn't be, as those pills can dissolve very quickly in moisture but some can be left behind.  

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