
Help to translate vietnam?

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Please kindly help to transate english to veitnamese below-

" I always think of the moment that we spend togather, always never forget in my life. sometime i did don't understand what you say to me but i did beileve in you, from the moment when i saw you i know that you are different with other, from the very moment of this i fell in love with you..i love you"

thanks in advance




  1. Here is my translation:

    " Tôi luôn nghĩ về khoảng thời gian chúng ta bên nhau và sẽ không bao giờ quên nó. Đôi lúc tôi không hiểu hết lời bạn nói nhưng tôi tin bạn. Từ lúc gặp bạn tôi luôn biết rằng bạn rất đặc biệt. Cũng từ lúc đó tôi đã yêu bạn... tôi yêu bạn"

    This translation is quite general. Note that if you are a guy (talking to a girl) then you should replace every above "tôi" with "anh" and every "bạn" with "em". Vice versa, it should be "em" and "anh".

    Hope this helps. Good luck.


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