
Help weird dreams???

by  |  earlier

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Ever since i lost my virginity ive been having similar dreams of me becoming pregnant and they seem so real. im kinda getting paranoid.... how can i stop??




  1. Have s*x again ;P

  2. Sweetheart, if you are sexually active, this is a valid fear.  The only way to make the dream go away is to remain celibate

    If you are currently NOT sexually active, I guess you've stirred those fears in yourself and it will  take some time calm them. Until you fully address the issue and determine to do what is right, the dream will probably continue, unless you  kill your own conscience.  God gave you that conscience for your own good!

    Pray and ask God for wisdom and for peace.  But do remember, you are responsible for you own choices, and your inner spirit can warn you, but it can't keep you safe from the consequences of your own behavior.

  3. you can think of your favourite thing when you go to bed or maybe set your mind on something wlse in daytime or read a book before sleep

  4. basically our dreams are just what we are afraid to deal with while we are awake. if you feel that you may be pregnant take a pregnancy test, if the test is neg then your dreams should stop.

    IF you continue to be sexually active.... to keep the dreams from returning go to a doctor and get put on birth control, as well as always have your partner use a condom.

  5. It  is just your sub-conscious acting out things that have been worrying you. Stop worrying that you are pregnant and the dreams will stop.


  7. Your probably having these dreams cause of fear. You should stay away from s*x.

  8. check with your inner self.  and really? come on, clearly the answer is there in front of you your scared of getting pregnant so your having paranoid dreams about it.  I suggest maybe conquering this fear? you knwo like im not going to get pregnant maybe that will help?...
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