
Help with Business assignment!?

by Guest58392  |  earlier

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I'm doing a business assingment and i'm doing it on Coles myer and this is one of the questions, im so confused and don't know what to do or what it means, please help.

Describe the marketing ix used by the business to market their prime product/service (I.e. Product, Price, Promotion and Place)




  1. Marketing mix as you have stated is a mix of the 4 P's to market or sell a product.

    You can emphasize on a particular P more than the other. For example promotion may have a bigger role for a certain product as compared to the price.

    If you haven't done a good internet search on Coles Myer, you could start with that..remember 'prime product'

    Look for the strategy of the company in marketing their prime product which is consumables..(I guess)

    You may ,in the end sum up your answer by addressing the 4 P's. Good luck

  2. You mean the marketing mix not marketing ix. This is also known as the 4P's. Go to your school library and ask them for a copy of HSC Essentials Business Studies and read pages 84-89. This has an explanation in a nutshell. Infact you may find the whole book most helpful. It was written especially for students studying for the HSC at that time and most of its contents are still relevant. If you still have a few questions you can contact me at

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