
Help with Studying Abroad?

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I want to study abroad in Japan, I am a freshman but I'm going in my junior year. It's going to cost me $7,451 or so and I'm going to pay half with my aunt. I hardly get money, but I'm getting a job when I'm able. Will I be able to pay in time?




  1. A few notes...

    1. If you're planning the trip now and it's two years away, the price is going to rise by at least several hundred dollars. I don't know if you factored that in yet or not. Also - is that including airfare? Because if you're only looking at tuition/housing/food costs remember to include airfare, fees (universities still make you pay some amount to the university for registration/study abroad processing), and spending money.

    2. Thank your aunt for helping you! You're making a great choice and the fact that's she supporting you is really awesome.

    3. The money thing is tricky because you'll obviously have a lot of expenses between now and then. Assuming those are covered (by scholarships/loans/family or whoever) you should have plenty of time to earn that money. You'll just have to do a good job of saving! I'm sort of unclear as to whether you're expecting to pay $7451 or split that with your aunt. Either is doable, really. Make sure you work summers and try to work 5-10 hours per week during the school year (make sure it doesn't impact your academics - you may have to work on time management skills). That should give you enough money to save for your trip and still have money for stuff now.

    There was a recent yahoo question about working and going to school if you want to read that (weird, because I basically gave the only answer):;...

    4. Loans are always an option! I funded my study abroad with a loan, which obviously isn't preferable if you have other ways to support yourself. I took out a $10,000 loan and even with interest I don't regret that decision at all - study abroad was AMAZING.

    I really hope you enjoy the trip and nice work with starting the planning for it now! That will reduce your stress and troubles down the road. Have fun and good luck! :)

  2. You should check out Rotary! You only have to pay for your passport, visa, insurance, and plane ticket. Rotary will even give you a monthly allowance (I was given 120 dollars each month, but it varies) while you're on your exchange! All you would basically have to do is save up for the plane ticket!

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