
Help with an analogy!?

by Guest62608  |  earlier

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okay i was writing this thing..

and talking about my one exboyfriend

and i wrote "i clung to him like....

haha whats a good anaolgy for something that clings?

i was thinking of those things you put on glass? but i cant think of what they are called? hha help please!




  1. you clung to him like love in valentine air

    you clung to him like a small child after having a scare

    you clung to him like boy taking on a dare

    LOL i dont not good :P

  2. Just being the "grammar police" here hun, but a simile is a comparison using LIKE or AS, and an analogy is a more shrouded type of comparison bordering on a metaphor.  You are loooking for a simile.

    but anyways,

    I clung to him like I was a clingon from Star Trek.

    I clung to him as if I were a baby chimp on my mother's back.

    I clung to him like he was my last dollar.

    I clung to him like I had sticky fingers.

    I clung to him like syran wrap( been said already)

  3. Reynold's Wrap on a bowl of potato salad!

    Polyester on my grandma's thighs!

  4. I clung to him like glue......flypaper.....tape......ivy.......

    Those things that stick to glass are static clings; not very poetic.

  5. Are they static clings?  I thought she was talking about suction cups.

    How about like a barnacle? :)  Those actually cling as opposed to just sticking to something.  Like one of Harlow's monkeys to a cloth mother.

  6. clung to him like a plastic snowflake on a young mother's window

    clung to him like he was an oxygen mask and i was in a plane going down fast

    clung to him like he was the last man on earth

    clung to him like  a girl who'd rather do anything than breathe her own air, even for a second

  7. gum stuck to your shoe

  8. like sweat on skin

    like a selfish child
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