
Help with analogies plss!!!!!!?

by Guest65040  |  earlier

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1. ascribe:assign::

a. delineate:depict

b. delude:promise

c. challenge:agree

d. avian:theorem

2. trite:cliche::

a. unnecessary:superfluous

b. redundant:accomplishment

c. comparative:diffident

d. lyrical:sonnet

3. laborious:facile::

a. ease:facilitate

b. standard: ultimate

c. television:medium

d. contemptous:respectful

i wasn't able to do thees ones...answers with a lil bit explanation will be appreciated.





  1. 1.  a

    ascribe and assign are synonyms (they mean the same thing)

    ascribe - impute: attribute or credit to

    assign - impute: attribute or credit to

    delineate and depict are also synonymous

    delineate - To trace the outline; to draw; to sketch; to depict or picture

    depict - describe: give a description of;

    2. a

    trite and cliche are synonyms

    trite - banal: repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse;

    cliche - something that has become overly familiar or commonplace

    unnecessary and superfluous are also synonyms

    unnecessary - Not necessary; not needed; surplus to requirement; useless; obsolete

    superfluous - In excess of what is required or sufficient

    3. d

    laborious and facile are antonyms (they are opposites)

    laborious - requiring much effort; physically or mentally difficult;

    facile - Easily done or used; taking little effort;

    contemptuous and respectful are also antonyms

    contemptuous - showing contempt; showing a lack of respect

    respectful - full of or exhibiting respect

  2. Ascribe:Assign :: Delineate:Depict

       Both mean to attribute, evaluate, pass judgment, judge SO delineate and depict mean the same as well

    Trite: Cliche :: Unnecessary: Superflous

        I am not sure on this one though.

    Laborious: Facile :: contemptuous:respectful

    (requires much time) : (superficial) :: (rude) : (nice)

    I was using and an online dictionary.  Dont take my word on these but this is what I would put.

  3. I do know that the answer to #1 is a.  Ascribe and assign are synonyms.  So are delineate and depict.  

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