
Help with antivirus xp 2008??!!?

by  |  earlier

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yeah my computer, my dear computer, got infected. i tried to get rid of it manually but its so hard and long. i turned to anti-virus programs but some require me to pay and i was actually on the brink of purchasing "SpyNoMore" but people said it was also "rogue-like" and i definitely do not want to go thorugh it again. help me!! suggest a anti-virus program, or anything. if i have to pay i would but i have to know if its legit and worth it.




  1. windows live onecare it works great and its from windows so its safe although it only comes with 90 days free so you can try it out. i use it and it works great. though sometimes it doesnt download onto the computer right and wont work

  2. check here for help :

  3. They are right to warn you about 'SpyNoMore'  Stay away from it.  See the reviews

    Antivirus XP 2008 is a new rogue anti-spyware program that is advertised through Trojans and other malware. It is advertised in the form of fake security alerts and warnings on web sites that state you are infected with malware or are being attacked in some manner.

    This is a trusted tool and you should NOT have to pay to remove.  This tool is used widely across the forums.

    Go down to 'Automated Removal Instructions for Antivirus XP 2008 using Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware:'  Bear in mind that it's FREE.  PLEASE update first.  Avoid the adverts at top of the page.

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