
Help with bunny feeding

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I just got a bunny yesterday a lil baby one and it hasnt eaten or pooped at all and im kind of scared. I'm going to buy rabbit food tomoro because petco is closed right now. So does anybody know what i can feed it, besides carrots and leaves from lettuce because he wont eat them. Help!




  1. Here are some basic things to feed your bunny:


    *hay (especially alfalfa for baby bunnies)

    *and fresh water, of course:)

    If your baby bunny is under 12 weeks of age feed them only the basic things above, because it causes digestive problems for them.

    *Don't* feed young rabbits cabbage or lettuce (they cause stomach and gas pains). *Don't* feed green grass, corn, beans, and rhubarb.

  2. Firstly, how old is he? He may not even be weaned yet,if that's the case, you'll have to bottle feed him, buy the smallest syringe you can find, and use kitten milk, or goats milk, heat it up till it's skin temperature, and feed every 2-3 hours.

    However, if he's just not hungry, and already has been weaned, you can purchase rabbit pellets, and timothy hay, for the first month or two this is all you should give him.

    Then after a few months you can feed small pieces of fruit, just tiny amounts of banana, apple, orange, etc.

    If you give too much it may give him diarrhea, and that's never good.

    Most people say to feed veggies, but if he's a small breed, this includes

    Netherland Dwarfs

    Dwarf Hotots

    Holland Lops


    Mini Rex's

    Jersey Woollies

    and other small breeds, don't have the correct digestive system and can't handle ANY veggies at all!

    Basically you should just feed Hay, and pellets, since he's a baby you may need to crush them up, but if he's over 5 weeks, give him 1/4 cup pelelts, and unlimited hay.

    If he's under 5 weeks, crush up a few tablespoons and give them to him.

  3. well i wouldnt be too worried because bunbun may just not be used to his new suroundings but just to be safe i would take him to the vet or the store you got him from and tell them and i would give him hay which is very very important to a young rabbits health and digestion. and if the rabbit is young yo are not suposed to give it treats such as carrots and lettouse until the rabbit is 6 months. So I would take it to the vet or store asap just to be safe!!!

    if you have any more questions your can email me @

    or visit my rabbitry website

  4. Well don't feed rabbits lettuce it gives them the runs and upsets there stomachs. If its really little it shouldn't be eatting anythings besides normal rabbit food. Give him time.

  5. Should've bought food B4! you got the bunny!

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