
Help with cockateil NOW emergency!?

by  |  earlier

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i found my cockateil on the floor of his cage, he is unable to balance and his left side seems very weka. i do not htink he flew and hit somthing. when he tries to fly he cant get high and falls to the side and lands on the ground. his eyes are open and he is moving around, he cant balance on hsi perch tho, he is about 6/7 yrs old. please help!




  1. Get him to avian vet asap. Sounds like some type of poisoning to me. Or is it a female? Sometimes they do this when they are egg bound or have been laying to many eggs and become calcium defeciant. Keep him warm and quite in the meantime until you can take him. If there is any chance that there are any inhaled toxins in air remove him from area. Also think about west nile disease as this affects there neuro status. keep us posted.


    hope all goes well

  3. Sounds like he might have had a stroke.. He needs to go to the vet. My friends dog just had the same thing happen to him, he had a stroke.

  4. He might have broken his wing. If so, you need to take him to an Avian vet immeadiatly. Even if that isn't so, still take him. You should wrap him gently in a towel and put him in a carrier. Try calling while you are in the car to let them know you are coming (hands-free). There might be something worse, like nerves damaged.

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