
Help with dry skin after pregnancy

by Guest44990  |  earlier

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I had a baby a little over a year ago and I have been battling dry skin every since. It is especially bad on my feet and ankles. The heels of my feet are beginning to crack. UGH!! I'm only 28 and I want to try to nip this in the bud ASAP. I thought a pedicure may help but it didn't. Any suggestions???




  1. Is there a man in your home? I used to pumice my wifes feet every day after a day on high heels for her. During her pregnancy I used NIVEA on her tummy and b*****s to alleviate stretch makks and NIVEA and baby oil on her feet afterwards. If there is a man in your home? Ask him to soak your feet in warm water, use a pmice stone to smooth things out the a good cocoa butter to keep your feet soft and moist.

    When you go to bed at night, put a lot of cream on your feet, then a pair of heavy scoks to keep the cream from getting all over your sheets. In the morning your feet ought to be moist and soft.

    This was one of my wifes favorite things, her nightly pumice, oil and foot massage.

    Good Luck to you.

  2. Go to a beauty supply store and buy their best foot cream, pumice stone, and foot scrub available. I heard that the brand Miracle Foot Cream works really well. Other than that, the brand Jergens works well for my dry feet. I apply it several times during the day.  

  3. Buy a pumice stone and exfoliate after your bath. It also helps to coat your feet in Vaseline and put cotton socks on, sleep in them if you can. They also sell those Ped-Egg things that are on tv at Wal-Mart, so that could help too. Just remember to exfoliate, and put a good lotion on afterwards, the thicker the better.

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