
Help with gas money for work.?

by Guest55686  |  earlier

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My son in law is a Marine and cannot live on the base he works at because the housing there is all contaminated with chemicals. Therefore they live 1 hour and 15 min.s away from his base and the cost of gas is killing their budget. Does anyone feel because they don't earn enough to rent off base and the base housing they are supposed to live in is condemded that the government should give them a gas allowance for driving back and forth to the base? It's a shame the people defending our fredom can't even afford to get back and forth to work or have to choose food. They get wic but no food stamps.




  1. Part of being a marine is being responsible. If that means giving up cig.s or beer in order to buy gas or pay rent then that is part of learning responsibility

    No actually I support the marines and think they deserve more than they are getting however you are a *****. You shouldn't be so quick to judge-you imply all low income families smoke and drink and then you complain about your own family not having enough money-hmmm

  2. Why don't you give them some money? Maybe they can qualify for food stamps now.

  3. Hopefully, he could find a closer place to the base to rent.  Many of us live too far away from our jobs and with gas going through the ceiling, we may have to reconsider where we live.

  4. There is a program for military members that may help them here is a link explaining the program they are eligible if their income is below the 130% proverty level. Even if they were told they are not eligible to food stamps they need to check this out because the housing is counted before looking at income which is not so with food stamps. With food stamps they have to pass a gross income test then if they pass then the housing cost it factored in but they still don't get full credit for all the rent, utilities, etc.

    To apply for this nontaxable allowance, people must fill out an application and supply detailed information on household size and income to their commander. One can even complete the application online, and e-mail it from the site directly to their commanders; however, they must provide all other information in person.

    Also checkout some articles I wrote to help with the costs of food and gas at

    I hope this helps and please thank your son in law for me for protecting my freedom and the freedom of my children.

  5. Look, its a shame thats happening.  Im in a similar situation.  I work a job where I have to commute and I dont make enough money to gas up my vehicle to get into work.  My brother waits tables and spends 80% of his income in transportation.  We're all screwed.  I'd say get him a beer and tell him to sit back and wait, but he'll have to steal it more than likely.

  6. Yes, he and a h**l of a lot of other people.

    Just think about this?? What will the elderly do come winter and heating oil hits $ 4.00 a gallon. It;s a shame that those who worked hard all their lives have to choose between heat or eat,.

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