
Help with gm flexfuel cars??

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i dont understand how it works, i guess it runs on gas and ethonal butt where do you get the ethanol, who sells it




  1. To answer your "who sells it" question:  Since ethanol can not be transported through pipelines around the country, it is transported by rail and truck tanker cars so is expensive to move around.  Therefore it is sold at gas stations near where it is made ----- The mid section of the US.  And it is made near where the feedstock, corn, is grown.  And the midwest is the corn belt of the US.

  2. they work by running on both ethanol(85%) and gasoline. and they dont sell ethanol many places but you can make your own at home. look it up on yahoo if you are interested

  3. E85 is 85% ethanol. Although, it isn't exact.

    E85 has a worse mileage than regular gas. Perhaps you want a Toyota Prius instead. E85 isn't really better for the environment either. The fermenting ethanol releases carbon dioxide. Some gas stations have E85 gas, and a flex-fuel car can handle normal gas. The Prius has a much better mileage.

    However, if you already have a flex-fuel, good luck finding a E85 gas station!

  4. E85 is 85% ethanol .. it takes a flex fuel car to run E85.. I doubt if pure ethanol is available for auto fuel.. it will pick up water rapidly .

    Not all gas stations carry E85 .. so.. you may not have it locally available.

    E85 is usually lower in price than regular gasoline.. primarily because you WILL GET LOWER MILEAGE WITH E85.   It has lower energy per unit volume so ...

  5. Flexfuel vehicles run on both ethanol (E85) or regular gasoline. the thing is no one sells ethanol so it's all kind of moot

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