
Help with homework question?

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I'm studying Imhotep (King Djoser's 3rd Dynasty Vizier and Physician) and I need help. Scholars were convinced of Imhotep's factual existence when they uncovered the base of a statue of Djoser. It depicted Imhotep's name and list of achievements, but I don't know when and where is was uncovered exactly. All I know is I heard about it from the Discovery Channel's show 'The Lost Mummy of Imhotep', but I didn't hear where it was uncovered. Best answer + their resources gets 5 stars :)

Thanks xxoo




  1. It was uncovered during an excavation around 1924-26. For more information, check here:


    Additional information can be found at these sites:

  2. The painted limestone statue of Djoser in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is the oldest known life-size Egyptian statue. Today at the site in Saqqara in which it was found, a plaster copy of the statue stands in place of the original at the museum. The statue was found during the Antiquities Service Excavations of 1924-1925.

  3. I looked it up on This is what they said


    TV-G, CC

    The Egyptian high priest in the movie, The Mummy, is considered by historians to be the first genius. The first to build pyramids, this physician and ruler was a god to his people. Archaeologists may have discovered his tomb in the sands of Saqqara.


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