
Help with interpreting a dream please?

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Ok, so I am 17 years old and KNOW I'm not pregent but last night I had a dream that I had a daughter.

In my dream I had to walk home from somewhere very far away and I had just walked into my house and colapsed on the couch when this little girl (about three or four) came running up to me and thru herself next to me. I don't recall her calling me mom or anything but I just knew she was my daughter. She sort of looked like me when I was little but not exactly. She was so darling and the entire dream had a very loving quolity to it, almost euphoric. I know dreaming of children is supposed to represent a new idea or consept but what did the part about her being my daughter mean? I've never had a dream of her before and she wasn't anyone I knew or had seen on the street or anything.

What do you think this might mean?

Thank you!





  1. Im 17 as well and don't really have a clue.

    Maybe its your future. your going to have a nice girl :)

  2. I believe that nowadays it is thought that dreams are interpretations that your brain makes of random electrical impulses.

    Other strong theory, not necessarily incompatible, proposes that dreams have the purpose of exploring our wishes. But, in a sort of strange way. For example, if you wish you were thinner, in your dream you would be thinner, but that would carry problems rather than make you happy.

  3. maybe she is your future daughter and you 2 are alone and have a great bond!

  4. if she looks like you, maybe your gonna have a little sister soon. Ask your mother whats up.

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