
Help with laptop problem!?

by  |  earlier

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I keep getting an error message when my laptop boots up ...

Please can anyone help me with this ...

The message is :

srvlnch.exe - Application Error

The instruction at "0x00000000" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program.





  1. Clean the hardrive and start again.

    You may lose everything you had but it'll get rid of that.

  2. srvinch.exe is self replicating Rogue Subroutine here ho to get rid of it start/run type msconfig go to services locate srvinch.exe highlight it disable restart open search the top panel type srvinch.exe when its found take a not of the location download file shredder and fallow the location shred restart  

  3. there is something wrong with the drivers for your logitech webcam. uninstall them and then download new ones from here:

  4. What logitech hardwear / softwear do you have?

  5. looks like you have a program that is interfering with your boot up. Try finding that exe file and deleting it (or if you want to keep it back it up, delete it and see if it helps.) if it doesn't work go to your laptop manufacturers website and email tech support

  6. you keep getting it when it boots up?

    do you see the bias screen?

    usually if ythat happens run it in either safe mode but if that doesnt work click F10 for a system recovery

    it will prolly save all of your existing work or erase depends on your difficulty with the error. and then it will restare your comp/laptop

  7. does the laptop still work tho?

    if it does then whats your problem?

    if it doesnt then look on the windows help and support website

    if none of that works you can reinstall windows or format your pc

  8. you download something that has a virus note the

    srvlunch.exe-application error

    but if you don't download any thing then then most likely it can't run that application so don't run it are it will freeze the computer.

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