
Help with lazy teen?

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I have an 14 year old son named Horton. He is the oldest of my 3 children. Lately he has been acting out and not wanting to do anything except lay around. How can i get my inactive teen to listen to me and get off his rump?




  1. Tell him to get a job so it will keep him occupied and he will earn money =]

  2. maybe he wants his named changed? HORTON!

  3. get him to do chores for cash, mow the lawn, etc, mowing the lawn is good exercise too

  4. you can't. maybe hes becoming goth! no seriously. some form of goth is acting out and being lazy. and im not trying to stereotype him or anyone else cuz i know what that feels like ( my mom keeps saying ive gone gothic on her).  maybe he just doesn't like doing more active things. not everyone does. you can try bribes. my mom does that! :D and if you don't like my answer go ahead and thumbs-down me. i don't care cuz im not trying to be mean to anyone.

  5. send him to military camp thats were my parents send me.

  6. I would tell him that if he doesn't start doing what he is told then he is going to have his priveleges taken away. Since it is summer, tell him that for two weeks, he will not be allowed to see his friends. And he will have to do three hours of chores a day.

    If you don't like that method, then give him an allowance. I know that works for my kids. Although they are only six and four.

  7. Take away any privileges that ur currently giving him, including making his lunch or cleaning after him, if u do, and ask him to do these things, he needs to realize that u are tha authority figure, he may need to be grounded also if he's a persistent child!

    Also, try to get him into something that peaks his interest, and will make him less lazy, like karate, baseball, or skateboarding, these can be rewards for listening...

  8. Pay him to get active (im that age that would get me motivated $_$)
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