
Help with makeup..14 years old (=

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well I'm 14 && i only wear eyeliner && lipgloss.

ive never really worn eyeshadow or anything so i really dont know how to put it on.

i really want to learn though. so do you guys have any good makeup ideas for me? because im going to highschool && i want to try different things. what do you guys use for makeup?

&& what eyeshadow colors are good that would look good and arent too dark?

well thankyou!! [=




  1. I'm 15. I use gold and bronze colours cause they look good with my brown eyes. You good with baby pink and a mild green looks really pretty too.

  2. I need help with sum of the words in that kwestun! Uggg. Eneway eyeshadow> just poot it on yor lid and its that eesy!

  3. neutral colors are always  really good.    i dont really like using cream shadow though because then you get this ugly crease thing going on...not cute. haha.   but what i usually do is i use a darker color on the outer corner of my eyes, like brown or maybe a greyish black, but not too dark, and then i use a shimmery light(tan or cream)color on the inside of my eye and then underneath my eyebrows. sometimes i dont wear any eyeliner, sometimes i do. but i always always wear mascara.

    hope this helps!

  4. sum light glitter is good thats wat i used or getting dark colors but only lightly applying them works really well too. all u do is put it on the brush nd lightly dab it nd smear it over ur eyelid. tis super easy, nd after u practice a bit u get really good at it.

    good luck!!! hope i helped

  5. well for colors it depends on your eye color.

    i have very dark brown eyes and i love golds and browns and some times ill do i red color but i put it on lightly.

    and for me its really simple to apply

    just brush it lightly across you eye lids.


    also my friend has green eyes and we use the same colors most of the time and it looks good.

  6. im 14 too  what i like to do is, i take an eyeliner brush, dip it in some mascara then swipe it right along your top eyelashes ( close your eye then right at the roots of your lashes) that makes your lashes look thicker then put mascara on. then i use a light color eye shadow, but normaly i just ware mascara :)

  7. Here's how u can look good but no to trashy

    1. Use foundation, make sure it suites ur skin colour or else it will look like a cake face.

    2. Not to much but a little mascara

    3. Maybe eyeline to bring out your eyes but a nice thin layer

    4. Finish with lip gloss

    Hope this helps

  8. wheneverr i wear make upp

    i wear eyeliner, mascara, and a brighhtcolor eyeshawdow that ALWAYS has to match my outfit. orr if you dont want to get a bunch of different kinds of eyeshadows, just get a basical natural tone


  9. i'm 13 and a makeup artest try my website it should help

  10. im going to high school too! but i know a lot about makeup from trial and error. so use lots of browns, maybe gray, use pinks and purples. if u want to wear mascara, go for it. maybe use a bit of blush if u wanna. mostly, it all depends on ur face, eyes, and hair. but im tryin to help! =]

    good luck!

  11. I'm 14 too and i usually wear cover up eye liner eye shadow and mascara um usually i use a brush for the eye shadow and the color really depends on ur eye color is

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