
Help with my add/nvld child?

by Guest57758  |  earlier

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My son can't learn without a lot of repetion and only learns what he can see and do (like worksheets). However, he get SO frustrated and bored with the repetion. Games and activities are fine for learning new concepts but how can I get him to pay attention when we are doing worksheet work?





  1. Don't do worksheets.  It's that simple.  Quiz his knowledge in other ways.  He must be a very visual, hands-on (kinesthetic) learner.

    Have him do his spelling words in shaving cream that's sprayed on a jelly roll pan or the wall of the shower.  Or have him write them in sand, or with a squit bottle of water on the driveway.  Or use sidewalk chalk, or dry erase markers on a window or sliding glass door.  Let him jump up and down for every letter of his spelling word.  Have him type spelling words into a word processing program or in instant messaging.

    Only do the repetition he needs.  Make sure you aren't assigning "busy work" just for the sake of it - or because your teacher's guide says so.  Don't be afraid to think outside the box.  You do not need to "school at home".  Make it individualized to him.

    If you really must have him do worksheets, then let him sit on a ball while he's writing.  Or let him play with a "fiddle" toy.  Just *anything* to keep his whole body stimulated and on task.  Let him go out and swing for 10 minutes, then come in and focus.  Give him a big container of dry beans or noodles to play in - anything to "wake up" his senses so he can calm down.

    You might wish to read some books about Sensory Integration Dysfunction.  The ideas/concepts in them are very applicable to ADD/ADHD and NVLD kids.  Here's a book I highly recommend:

  2. My son has ADHD too, and I've been homeschooling him for six years.  Sometimes, it's like pulling teeth to get him to concentrate, so I understand your frustration. I have to give him frequent breaks, and sometimes it's best not to make him do every problem once he's already mastered the concept.  Is there a way you can do interactive/online schooling with him?  Sometimes these types of kids just don't do well with worksheets.  Here is a link that might be helpful:

  3. Try before doing worksheets something hands-on, that will hold his attention. Make it really interesting to him, so he can kind of have fun BEFORE doing the real work "the worksheets".

    Like if you have a worksheet on dinosaurs, give him clay to make dinosaurs, don't forget to include yourself and any other little ones who may enjoy the hands on experience. OR maybe read him a short book about the subject worksheet.

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