
Help with my bird?

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I have two Canaries they are really good birds but when I clean the females cage she freaks out and will sit at the bottom of the cage with her wings spread out and her beak open. I don't know what this means canaries are active birds and she will stay compleatly still for 5 min. in that same position please help!




  1. just clean out the cage and ignore her.  she is a snot.

  2. You probably just freak her out. When you say beak open it sounds like she's panting which is a sign of nervousness and her wings out could be a defense to make herself look bigger or it could be for balance or support. I have chickens and they get scared easily and I see those signs too, but they are always fine after something like that happens. If she always does this it's probably just a normal thing she'll be doing every time you clean the cage and she should eventually get over it if you recently got her.

  3. that is odd, usually scared canaries fly in the cage like crazy, she is probably protecting somthing down there, maybe she wants to lay eggs? I have had canaries for 5yrs and have been breeding them and in my experiences,, neither my tame or untame canaries do that.
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