
Help with my computer!!!!!?

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My wireless zero configuration is stopped but i cant remember how to turn it back on. All I remember is that you have to go to start then run




  1. If you need help check out

    There is tons of help on there for free.

    Good Luck.  

  2. Give this a try. All wireless and wired routers/connections has a Icon on the task bar (located at the botton of your window on the right side next to the Time) You can right-click on that Icon and a small window will open up, here is where you will have some options.example: To Disconnect, To Connect to Network, Turn off activity animation, To Turn off notification of new network, and the one that you want to click on is 'Diagnose and Repair'  by click on this button it will fix or repair  or reconfigure your connection problems. Good Luck

  3. Some wireless adapters don't use the wireless zero configuration for example on my laptop it uses the dell wireless wlan card utility yours may be similar

  4. To turn on wireless zero configuration go to Start > Run and type in services.msc

    You may want to maximise the screen. Scroll down to Wireless Zero Configuration  and select it.

    You now have the option to Start the service.

    You also need to change the Startup Type from Manual to Automatic

    Right click on Wireless Zero  select Properties, change Startup Type to Automatic and click OK

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