
Help with my dryer?

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So I dried a load if laundry, and somehow a blue crayon got in it...needless to say, that load was ruined. However, now the inside of my dryer has this blue tint on the inside, like someone very lightly spray painted it. I am afraid to dry anything else in it! How do I get rid of the blue????




  1. wait then use a magic eraser in there to clean it out when it cool down

  2. I would do what the previous poster suggested, then take the added precaution of running a hot cycle with a couple of old towels in it to be sure the crayon wasn't still coming off on things.

  3. I would use the Mr.Clean magic eraser, I got crayon off my wall, so I suppose it would work in a dryer aswell. If that does not work I have no clue because the wax from the crayon has melted and cured, as soon as you turn on your dryer again it will melt and get all over your clothes. Good Luck

  4. Try Spraying A Wiping Around The Dryer With Soap And Water Or anything like all purpose Cleaners to wipe everything out then after wipe with rag with water and clean everything off sorry about those wasted clothes

  5. wash it down with some vinegar and water.

  6. wait until it's completely cool then spray the inside with Fantastik and with a damp cloth wipe it clean.
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