
Help with my looks???

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Ok, So

I seriously love movies. I go to the movie theater like once every 2 weeks, sometimes once a week. I cant find a girl that likes limited, art house, and mainstream. I take them to limited movies like The Proposition or The Host and they are like ewww what is this foreign trash. I take them to a good Mainstream movie like Strangers or The Dark Knight and all I get is YA! I Like Movies! Thats great, that shows me you dont have a personality. and I take them to the city and they are liek I want to party party clubbing clubbing drink drink Drunk drunk!!

Why is it hard to find a girl that wants to travel, go into the city, see movies, and OCCASIONALY party




  1. well the main problem is that the world is teaching people the wrong ways in life. Music, reality shows are teaching only one thing to become rich, have s*x, and do whatever you have to to get to the top. But, anyways the best thing to do is try to think of places where you'll find people that are like you. For example, if you want a down-to-earth, quiet, calm, nice girl try a bookstore. If you want a party girl try clubs, concerts, college parties.

  2. 311 is my favorite band and i cant wait to go to brazil but i still like to party so uhhh

  3. Honestly, it all depends on their interests. Not all girls are like that. Many just become more wild and more into gossip and magazines then into world news and encyclopedias. Basically, it depends where you look. Don't walk into a club expecting to find a girl who is interested in other cultures, and traveling the world. Online dating isn't a great alternative if your having trouble finding someone, but you could always look there. You can search through tons of singles interests so you find the perfect girl. But once again, online dating is definitely not a great alternative. Try going to libraries, cafes, or even hiking and you could casually storm up a chat with a girl in one of those places. And trust me, you will find the perfect girl when the time comes.

  4. They don't have class.  They are stupid and under educated.  They live for the moment and are monkey see monkey do.

  5. no one wants to be with your lame nor see those wierd movies. you sound like a boring guy.

  6. You're obviously having issues finding someone on the same maturity level as you. Or on the same intellectual level. Can be hard,  perhaps look in different places. I know, this answer wasn't particularly helpful. But don't worry, someday you will find someone who isn't just interested mainstream film and can think outside of the box.  


    And as for the person above, I wouldn't take their answer seriously. I'm sure someone would love to go out with you and there are plenty of people that enjoy the same things as you, you'll probably just have to look a little harder. The girls that like to drink a lot and don't have more than a fleeting interest in worthwhile cinema and things like that are harder to find, but worth it.

  7. Try outside of college,go to concerts,movies,screenings,theatre,ect to find girls,at least you know they are going to like that if they went to see that band or movie :P

    And wow i love movies too how can anyone not.
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