
Help with my xbox 360?

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i have a regular 360 not the elite or anything and it overheats ALOT i play 4 like literally 10 min and it overheats every d**n time that's why I'm only 25% in gta IV so if i cause the red rings on purpose (they wont know it was on purpose they'll think it happened on its own) will microsoft replace it because i have no warranty i got my 360 used i have no time left on the warranty so will they replace it for free or do i have to pay ?




  1. My Xbox 360 overheated awhile back, but luckily I had the warranty on it to return it. From my experience, though, it never fully recovered.

    Usually, overheating can lead to the three red rings of death, though. The three red rings IS covered by Microsoft if you have a warranty or not, as long as you don't actually open the xbox and mess around with it by yourself. So, I think your best bet is to either get a new one, or hope this happens.

    I heard the towel trick leads to the three red rings...

    Sorry to hear this is happening, though. I was so sad when mine broke. I know how you feel.

  2. There was an extended 3 year warrenty on ALL 360 Consoles since Last July for RROD cases

    if you can, make your 360 get the RROD and send it in

    or, because the RROD seems to come and go (you get RROD, restart it, and it works for a while) you can phone and say you have RROD, send it in, and when they test it and see a small problem like a freeze, they would assume its RROD

  3. DON'T TRIP THE RED RINGS OF DEATH. despite what you think they will know. my guess is that you bought a xbox from when they first came out and those ones overheated a lot due to the fact that they forgot to take off the foil on the internal hard disk that is they way the first few months worth of xboxs went out. since it is no longer under warranty you will have to pay a little but nothing like buying a new one or you can try using one of the xbox fans.

  4. I have the same EXACT problem as you do. Mine overheats all the time with GTAIV. I think it is because Rockstar had a hard time fitting it all on a  8GB dual layered disc as opposed to the PS3 version having a 30GB blueray. I have looked into it before and they will charge you around a couple hundred dollars to replace it without a warranty. I know it sucks, but if it just overheats you should be okay. I've read that the majority of the time it overheats, it is because it is in a concealed environment. Try putting it out in the open. Also, it should be laying flat. It overheats more when it is standing up. And never get one of those cooling systems, not one of those plastic ones anyways. If you do the Xbox will eventually get hot enough to melt the plastic to the back of it.

    I hope I helped. :)

  5. you should have a warranty they extended it to 3 yrs, xbox 360 came out in nov or dec of 05 so u r covered. call and see, if they say ur not ask them y not? it hasnt been 3 yrs. ur 360 sounds messed up, its not cooling maybe try a cooling system i got one for 15 bucks. but definitely call ms.
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