
Help with panel interview!

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Does anyone know what I might be asked at an interview for front desk scheduler at an ob-gyn office?




  1. i had a similar interview recently!

    they asked me how the skills from my previous jobs would be helpful in this role. they told me that my job would involve lots of communication with lots of people and asked me to describe my communication skills and previous experience (seems silly, right? but they asked this). they also asked me to describe what type of work environment i'm looking for, why i'm interested in their particular position, and a bunch of other questions to describe myself.

  2. can you tell time? can you print legibly? can you talk on the phone? Ok, it may sound like i'm joking (i am). Being a front desk scheduler is not all that hard, so not to worry about what questions they will ask. But the more important things your employer will ask about deals with your work history and how many days you missed. Reliability will be much more important to your boss that any skills needed for this job. Your employer will be wanting to know that if they hire you, they will be able to count on you being there everyday--the job skills can be taught to you, but being reliable cannot be taught. If you are young, your employer will be concerned with how many days you missed while going to school--a major indicator of how dedicated/reliable you are. Good luck.

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