
Help with pricing...

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Could anyone help me to understand how I should price certain jobs such as staining decks, Lawn mainetance, power washing, trimming, hedging, weeding, mulching, etc. Is it better to price it hourly or by the job itself. And any numbers would help also. thank you to all in advance.




  1. This is determined by several factors.  What will the market pay?  How much do you want to make?  I would price by the job.  The only problem with that is you better have a good idea of how long it will take. If you want to make $100 a day then figure about $12.50 an hour.  Do a good job with your estimate and everyone will be happy.  Good Luck.

  2. I'm not in that business so I can not offer exact prices. But, I can tell you for our business we looked around at businesses comparable to ours and called them and asked. We did not tell then the real reason we were calling. But it helped.

  3. usually by the hour

    look at other people doing similar work in area to gauge prices

  4. my brothers do that kind of work and they price it by the size of the area they will be working with for example 5 dollars a foot for pressure washing a driveway and if it is 10 feet it will b a 50 dollar job
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