
Help with running the mile?

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Tommorow's the fitness test (well, mile only) and I'm freaking out about it. I haven't been really running in some time (i'm in marching band and we don't have to take pe.)

is there any tips for keeping up a steady pace (since i know i can pass it i keep up my pace)?

is really doing it under 11 mins. really that easy like everyone says it is?




  1. well first off if your running a mile in 11 minutes that's pretty difficult oh okay here's some tips first off start with a fast pace to get in lead then stay focus and pace then at the end use anything u got left and oh yea stretch

  2. yeah its easy just take the first and second lap a little slow and then work on your third because its the hardest and then give it all u got on the fourth lap.

  3. have a good breathing technique breath in your nose and out you mouth it will avoid a side cramp also push yourself it really helps good luck

  4. Hopefully you'll do the test on a track, which will be a quarter mile (pretty much every track is a quarter mile or 400m, which are close enough to the same make no distance to you). So, if you can carry a stopwatch, you can look at it at least for every lap to try to keep on pace. Suppose you shoot for 10min-11min pace, to give yourself a range.

    Then you want to try to be around

      1m15s - 1m22s on the first half of the first lap

       2m30s - 2m45s on the first lap

       5m0s - 5m30s on the second lap

       7m30s - 8m25s on the third lap

       8m45s - 9m37s on the halfway point around the fourth lap

    You could write these down on a piece of paper and carry it with you, to keep track of how you're doing -- prefer to be on the lower end of the range, so you'll still be ok if you get tired and slow down later

  5. Running it in 11 minutes should be easy if you're not obese or something.

    Just keep your pace, I think you can stop for a while and still get 11 minutes.

    I do it in the sub 6, 6;05 range.

  6. it is if u hav one functioning leg

  7. alright you can't really use my personal opinion about the difficulty of running a sub 11 mile (cause i run sub 5:05 on a regular basis)...but my friends in gym that aren't competitive do about 9 min and they say its pretty advice is to drink lot's of water tomorrow...also go to bed now as you need all the strength you can get...all day visualize your run and where you need to really push(third and fourth lap) think about who you plan on pacing with and how you'll be feeling at different points throughout the run.  this prepares your mind for the run which throughout the day will subconciously prepare your body for the a good breakfast and lunch.  other than that i can only wish you luck...OHHH wait also KEEP YOUR HEAD UP and focus on the back of the head of the next person in front of you as your body will lock into there pace...remember distance running is all mind over body and pain and crossing the line with a good time is always rewarding and makes the pain worth it good luck and tell me how you do

  8. Running a mile in a 11 miuntes is very easy.  I used to do a lot of running in the Marine Corps and could run a mile in less than 6 minutes, so for you to run it in less than 11 should be no problem.  When you run just remember to keep a good pace going the whole time, meaning you don't slow down when you get tired. Breathing is a big one for most people. If you can breath in through your nose and exhale out through your mouth that is great, not easy to do and I was never able to do it myself.  I breath through my mouth the whoe time and make a beat with my breathing and this seems to help me along. It's like making some type of music or drum beat as I breath.  Another thing you can try is singing some kind of cadence to yourself this can occupy you as you are running and before you know it the run will be over.  You will do fine.

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