
Help with tennis serve?

by Guest55733  |  earlier

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My upper body is really strong, and if you ask me to throw the racquet, I can through it very far - however, whenever i try to serve hard, 2 things happen a lot

I either mistime the hit, and end up hitting without full extension


my racquet slips in my hand. I have tried overgrips, I have even tried using a racquetball glove (which i actually do all the time since it prevents blisters and prevents the handle from slipping when i sweat). However, other then the first two days of playing with a brand new glove, and brand new tacky synthetic rubber overgrip, all the other time, the handle slips.

I am wondering, if it just has to do with the lack of fluidity, or if maybe all I need is to strengthen my grip.




  1. Don't try and muscle the ball with your arm. Instead of just whacking the ball as hard as you can, loosen up your arm and uncoil your body when you think you will hit the ball at the top of the toss. As for the slipping, have you tried a sweat-proof grip?

  2. alot of ppl have explained serving so for the grip use tourna blue overgrip it will not slip

  3. Try holding on tighter to the raquet. I know it's often say to not squeeze to hard on the handle because it hurts fluidity, but try holding on tighter. You're supposed to squeeze on impact, but that's too complicated timing wise. I just give it the death grip from the get go.

    As far as the timing goes, just practice, practice, practice.

    Maybe get a little instruction from someone who can watch you and give some tips.

  4. when some ppl try to serve hard, their arm becomes tense and usually miss. relax. try bringing ur racket back slowly, then accelerate ur racket to hit the ball. don't think hit hard, think hit fast. ur racket might be slipping because it's too small. good luck

  5. i think that you need to just grip the racquet tighter.   with your serve try throwing the ball at about 1 o' clock over your head.  When you serve don't put all of your muscle into it, just really flick your wrist.  Serving is not something that is just going to happen.  Practice practice practice. Good luck

  6. sounds like both. timing can be improved upon, but you largely have it or not.

    strength is a funny thing. there are many types of strength. there exists some very bulky, strong-looking men that would be thrown around like rag dolls by some very unassuming men. strength in tennis requires the fluidity that you mention to generate power.

    serving power is a combination of timing, flexibility, height, transfer of weight, hip and leg strength, bending of the knees, and wrist snap.

  7. Do not hold the racket too tight! The tighter you hold it, the less power you get on it. Jump and remember to land on your left foot! Make sure the TOSS is in front of you. The toss is the most important thing to get the serve ready.

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