
Help with this situation?

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Long story short, after a long one-sided conversation with my sister, I decided to put forward my input that no-one in the world should be fighting for freedom in the first place because it's contradicting. Now, I'm not Nelson Mandela, before everyone on here turns against me, it's just what I think. Nothing more, nothing less.

In reply, my sister shouted, "Forget about it!! Talking to you about politics is like talking to a blind person about colours."

Now, I understand that I am only 15 and I don't study politics like her, but I think there was no need for her to shout at me so forcefully like this over a conversation.

How do I move away/get over this situation, because I am pretty angry and quite confused at the same time.




  1. under your belief's slavery and all other abuses would be rampant and the world a terrible place to be

  2. Your sister didn't want to "talk to you about politics", she wanted to make a long speech about her expert view and you were supposed to be an admiring audience.  When you brought up the contradiction in fighting for peace, she didn't have any response so instead she got mad at you.  It sounds to me like she's does her studying about politics by watching the partisan bullies scream at each other on television.  These days, it seems like people don't actually discuss issues anymore, they declare which political team they are on, adopt the party platform in total, memorize some bumper sticker slogans, and then are insulting and hateful to anyone who disagrees with them about any detail.

    That's why our government is tied up in knots and can't get anything done, that's why people don't bother being polite to each other any more, that's why there is a rising tide of violence and intolerance in the news, and certainly that's why your sister was so insulting.

  3. Just let it go.  It's amazing how emotional people that are really into politics can be when you don't see their point of view.  Sure she didn't  mean anything personal.

  4. This sounds like a battle between the Idealists and Realists. Idealists are important but usually are missing a practical piece of the puzzle. If you really have a passion about this topic, study the history about it. Find out what can really be done instead of focusing on what SHOULD be done.

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