
Help???(BMX bike) Help??????.....eastern felt fit

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ok, im 5'4 5'5 ish. i want a new bmx bike. The eastern element really caught my eye. i just have a few questions about it.

Is 20.75 top tube length to long for me?

Are the handle bars to wide?

Are there any problems witht the bike?

I sometimes will ride dirt, is this an issue?

Has anyone had expirience with this bike? if so how is it?

Can anyone suggest any other bikes?




  1. It's all personal preference, so go down to one of your local shops and see if you can test out some of their different sizes.  A 20.75" TT might be too big for your height, but as I said it's all personal preference.  Handle bar width is all personal preference as well, if they're too wide you can just cut them down.  I've heard bad things about the cassette hubs eastern runs on those bikes and you never really hear flattering things about their other parts online and through word of mouth.

    Check out the Kink Transition: (20.5" TT)

    WTP Addict: (20.6" TT)

    Verde Prism:

    The only real issue you would have riding dirt with most of those bikes is that they have tires oriented for street or park, so you won't have a ton of traction if you're on loose dirt (but you can always throw a dirt tire on the front if traction is a problem).  Like I said, check out your LBS and see if you can test ride some of their bikes and also look around on line for reviews on bikes your interested in.

  2. The poster befor me is right about the personal choice.

    the wider the bar's the less feel you get

    all bmx bike's usaly have 7-8 inch bar's mine are 5inch. (i custom cut them (cut the end's) aloth (all the bmx'er's i know) cut there handlebar's to make them shorter, it makes a bigger pop and a biiger bunnyhop, it's also very touchy. and is very good. once again, its a personal choice.

    i am 6'1'' and i ride 20.75 TT.  good enough for me, good enough for you.

    i love eastern, i have the metalhead 08. simply love it.   best bike i ever had and my friend's all have eastern and they all love it (shovelhead, element etc)  is good. and simple.  VERY LIGHT. !!!

    if you ride dirt, yes its a factor!  it will be  an issue with any bike u use thats made for vert/park/street.. dont ride dirt with it, if you ride dirt, buy a dirt bmx, or simply use the bmx for dirt only, once a vert/park/street bmx get's into dirt, you can never have the same feeling of the bike never again.

    trust me on this one, any question  pm me.

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