
Helping an injured snake

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i have him in a large zip lock storage container should i poke holes in it? how big? the snake is about 14-16 inches




  1. Clean the wound with mild soap & warm water. You can put some anti-biotic ointment on the wound, like bacitracin, then close the wound using "Liquid Skin", you can buy at the drug store, or you can even use instant glue, but be careful not to stick your fingers to the snake's skin. This closes the wound & allows it to heal from the inside out and wears away gradually once the wound is healed. You'll never get a bandage or band aid to stick on a snake, plus, the snake will definitely try to rub off any dressing or bandage you try to apply.

  2. A buddy of mine just puts antiseptic and a band-aid on the wound. that should work.

    is it still alive?

    snakes hate containers because they are confused and they try to get out and press their noses against the edge of the containers, and that wears their noses down and injures them.

    the very best way to contain snakes is in a pillow case. they feel like they are hiding and it reduces stress. just tie a knot at the end. (this also reduces the risk of the snake escaping, snakes are escaping masters)

    I work with snakes a LOT. and I have quite a bit of experience.

  3. Treat it as if you would treat your own cut. Wash the wound. Then bandage it. Then go to the nearest vet. Be careful if you don't know if its piosinus. It might feel threatened because of its wound and might end up killing you if its poisinus.If there are no local vets, look one up in

    Hopes this helps!

  4. the snake will need to be in something better than a zip lock storage container.  it will need a heat source and places to hide so that it will feel secure.  not knowing what kind of snake it is makes it hard to know the husbandry requirements for the snake.  maybe if there is a good reptile shop in your area (a privately owned one not petsmart or petco) you could probably take the snake there to them they would probably nurse it back to health or they could at least tell you what to do for it.  also maybe if you can find a reptile vet in another town you could email them some good pictures of the snake and they could identify it for you. they would probably also give you advice over the phone on what to do for it.  

    good luck

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