
Herbal colon cleanse vrs colonic irrigation?

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From personell experience which one of these are better? do they give the same outcome? Which was less painful, easier, cheaper etc.




  1. I've done colonic irrigation. It's really cheap if you do it yourslef at home (well, water and e***a don't cost that much). It is not painful if you do it right.

  2. Don't be dumb.  Your a**s is an exit port - not an entrance port.  Save your money.

  3. I don't understand the concept of the herbal colon cleanse. Do these people expect us to believe that this stuff only works when it gets into the colon. It has a long way to go before it gets there. I have had colonics before and would rather have that, or an e***a, than swallow all that junk.

  4. Some colon cleanses are expensive and who knows if they work? It takes several days to find out and it may not be so pleasant.

    If a colonic is done properly by a good practitioner then it is over and done in a short time. Then it is up to you to make a sensible diet.

    Home enemas don't do the same and arn't recommended by every natural therapist anyway.

    I don't know the price of a colonic now because theyre not available where I live.

    But if I could get one I'd opt for that.

    Isn't it that you can clean out like that once then do a good diet and later try some cleanse? I don't know if you have to take these expensive cleansing kits. Must be a cheaper way.

  5. I've heard good accounts of both... but still it's a one way system... the only way is OUT. For colonic irrigation to work it actually pushes body temperature saline into your colon before it comes back out with loosened material.

    Colonic is only recommended in clinics are it can cause serious injury to your colon if done incorrectly with incorrect equipment & it's usually on the expensive side(don't underestimate the potential danger here; an infection there if very dangerous).

    If you want the easy way out... for constipation take Psyllium husks  & the directions are on the back.

    If experiencing diarrhea take Slippery Elm.

    Slippery Elm is soluble so that it absorbs excess water in the stool and allows the entire Gastrointestinal tract to be lined so that the fecal matter slips out very easily by slowing down it's transit time.

    Drink an extra glass of water after ingesting the first otherwise you could become constipated.

    The better option for both is a diet high in natural soluble & insoluble fibre which is lots of fruits, legumes, vegetables, nuts, seeds & whole grains.

    Cheap as they are included for free in your diet, easier as you get them automatically every-time you eat a meal & painless.

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