
Herbal diuretics?

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Which herbal diuretics could help with water on the lungs and oedema (water retention)?




  1. dandelion, horse chestnut, Juniper, cleavers, but always consult your doctor before using herbal medicine in case you are allergic to any of the ingredients that are in herbal medicines.

  2. Watch it!

    Herbals are chemicals too.

    Just because it is natural does not make it safe. I can name a lot of natural things that can kill you, opium, arsenic, tons of stuff.

    Diuretics WILL NOT help with water on the lungs (which is called pneumonia and is very serious) and if you use them, they can cause you to have electrolyte imbalances. These imbalances can be deadly if not treated correctly.

  3. In "ayurvedic system of Medicines" there are more than a dozen of herbels are known to have the diuretic functions ( called MUTRAL ie; which increases the quantitiy of urine output ).

         The excess urine in effect reduces the additional water content of the body. Swellings on the body parts are the external symbols indicating of excess storage of water in the tissues.

         A simple check is you press at the swellings by the thumb or the finger, a dent appears and it does not get levelled back to original position immediately but takes few seconds. The duration of the time lag to come to the original condition gives the hint that how much excess water in the tissues of the body exists.

         In your question you have mentioned that the water is getting stored in the lungs.

    Luckyly it is not pneumonia, but next stage if gets infected could turn out to be.

         Since LUNG  is an internal organ of the body, a single herbal drug will not be of any much use. A combination of herbal medicenes for effectively controlling the removal of water trapped are already been practiced in Ayurvedic science of treatment since centuries and are proven and with positive side eccect. ( ie: side effects are good for the body eg; also improves digestion, improves further stoppage of water absorption by the tissues, increases immunity, prevent infections etc.etc.)

         Consult an Ayurvedic Doctor and he will prescribe few amog the followings and also some additional items depending on his judgement and patients condition.

    Chandanadi Choorna

    Mutral Churna

    Narayan Choorna

    Kumari Asava


    Abharaka Bhasma

         All these medicenes are manufactured by most of the ayurvedic pharmacies and above are the names as written in the Ayurvedic books.

         please do not neglect or delay.

         All the best and happy and healthy recovery.

  4. my dad frequently gets that and he has heart failure! go to the doc's and get a diagnosis!

  5. Spearmint is a great, safe diuretic. Most of the diuretic herbs are very safe and easy to come by. Dandelion leaves are a wonderful, healthy diuretic. They contain potassium, a substance that is usually lost while using diuretics, so there is no depletion. As far as the lung issue, no, diuretics are not what you need. If there's an infection, you'll need a completely different herbal remedy. Chickweed makes a wonderful tea for pulmonary problems (lungs). And, it doesn't taste bad. I'm not going to get into any more advice/suggestions as I don't know exactly what your symptoms are, when they started, and what else may be wrong with you.

  6. celery tablets - check your health food store

  7. This condition is Heart failure or possibly a renal problem. Herbal medicines can be very effective but should not be used in this sort of case particularly without a Drs advice. Dosage, level of efficacy can be crucial. Hope whoever has the condition does well with their treatment.
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