
Here's a messed up situation?

by  |  earlier

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my girl friend just had a baby, but the baby looks like my best friend who does not have a job nor does my girlfriend do i kick her to the streets or what?




  1. simple first you have to make sure its his baby and to save your self the hassle of paying for a paternity test.  Either go to your gf or your friend and be like I know everything.. my gf told me everything how could you sleep with her why would you do this to me and see if he or she falls for it.

  2. have the DNA check on the three of you

  3. Oh Please, how can you possibly say a new born baby looks like anyone other than them self.

    Have you any grounds to suspect your G/F of cheating? Have they been extremely close ,or spent time alone. Personally I think you are jumping to conclusions and should give you're G/F the benefit of the doubt. Do you Love her? If so this is the last thing she needs right now.  

  4. I think shes been riding him like sea biscuit!

  5. well if you don't want to have to give money for child support for the next 18 years ..or be tied down to this girl who might have cheated on you ..ask your doctor to do a paternity test ....the longer you wait, the harder it will be to get out of this situation ...the law will say you accept responsibility if you don't do anything.

  6. LOL :) go get em tiger

  7. check if the baby is yours...duh.

    paternaty test yo!

  8. if you truly love her take care of the baby, but ask to get a DNA test. remember ever 2 white people can have a black baby, even if the girl never had s*x with a black man, but i doubt she cheated, just check to make sure. if she did and you truly love her take care of her, if my girlfriend cheated on my and got pregnant and the other guy left, i would still take care of her and the baby.

  9. Talk to them both and ask them why the baby looks like him... Tell your friend to go get a job and if it his child he needs to support it, give him a shocking and inspiring speech so that he will want to get a job... Tell your girlfriend, if it is your friend's baby, that you will help her but you think it is over because she did cheat on you and did have a child but tell her that you are here for her as a friend, she needs support now more than ever if your friend isn't man enough to admit the truth...

  10. Paternity test?...

  11. lol....listen dont b hasty babys look like anyone and everyone when they are born i have 3 ranging  from 9 to 3 and i could easily pass them off as anyones a bit till the baby grows into his/her features or if ur tht worried b upfront and ask 4 a paternity test she may feel offended by this but if the babys urs and she's sure she shouldn't say no ....goodluck

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