
Here we go again?

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We have oil in Texas Oklahoma now Arizona Natural gas found in PA. Why oh why is gas 3.00 and going up?




  1. because tree hugging idiots have stopped drilling..almost all the oil in texas and [as u spell it] gone,,,its been pumping since the early a book will ya

  2. I feel i am giving a  course on economics. But I suppose you are writing because you are angry at how much it  costs for gasoline. I will try to put your heart at ease though.  In the 80's gas cost around a dollar. In the  90's  gas was around a dollar. the minimum wage has gone up about a dollar,

    Ok hjeres the point gas  probably nshould be  up to aqbout $4.00 if  gas companies were workinfg as the market were consistant  But  with the California  thing Electric  ENRON remember? the  prices were held  at a constant .so the  price of  gas  should have ciosted  more than a dolllar  dun\ring the 90's following inflation  We had a good economy during the 90s and  early  2000s buit inflation has not been consistant. when you have a boomingf market  the have  prosperety in for  such a long  time (Dot com stocks paired with tax cuts and good gains in the market.) the only thing  that went up was inflation not the price of gasoline.

    It doesn't matter where you go. That is just the y it goes.

    Gas comanies are  just like  any company if  you are willing to but any  product the  company you it  from will charge you however much you wil. And since we have lunatics running in the D party expect them to be taxed to death But  to make this less boring. it seems i am going long here,. But I have  just been educated  about  costs  spendinfg and  gov spending and taxes that re the only thing that we can tangibly see. I could go on much much longer.


  3. yeah definitely oil is costly because in the world there are so many person like me who are using the oil during the s*x time to feel greasy - dhirendra

  4. what you don't buy that explanation that gas is becoming more scarce and harder to obtain?

    "Exxon is likely to have record quarterly earnings," said Fadel Gheit, a senior energy analyst at Oppenheimer. "For every $1 [increase] in the price of oil, Exxon makes [another] $125 million for the quarter."

    When asked if Exxon could top profit records, another analyst said: "That's not out of the realm of possibility."

    The company is expected to earn $10.37 billion in the fourth quarter, according to earnings tracker Thomson Financial. That's about $330 million shy of Exxon's previous quarterly profit record of $10.7 billion set in the fourth quarter of 2005 - which also was a record for any U.S. corporation.

    Nation   City   Price in USD Regular/Gallon

    Netherlands Amsterdam $6.48

    Norway Oslo $6.27

    Italy Milan $5.96

    Denmark Copenhagen $5.93

    Belgium Brussels $5.91

    Sweden Stockholm $5.80

    United Kingdom London $5.79

    Germany Frankfurt $5.57

    France Paris $5.54

    Portugal Lisbon $5.35

    Hungary Budapest $4.94

    Luxembourg $4.82

    Croatia Zagreb $4.81

    Ireland Dublin $4.78

    Switzerland Geneva $4.74

    Spain Madrid $4.55

    Japan Tokyo $4.24

    Czech Republic Prague $4.19

    Romania Bucharest $4.09

    Andorra $4.08

    Estonia Tallinn $3.62

    Bulgaria Sofia $3.52

    Brazil Brasilia $3.12

    Cuba Havana $3.03

    Taiwan Taipei $2.84

    Lebanon Beirut $2.63

    South Africa Johannesburg $2.62

    Nicaragua Managua $2.61

    Panama Panama City $2.19

    Russia Moscow $2.10

    Puerto Rico San Juan $1.74

    Saudi Arabia Riyadh $0.91

    Kuwait Kuwait City $0.78

    Egypt Cairo $0.65

    Nigeria Lagos $0.38

    Venezuela Caracas $0.12

  5. So the oil companys can make more money.

  6. cause they new the giants would win

    well I think for real its so they can pay their back taxes
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