
Hermat crab name suggestions?

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i just bought a hermet crab, but i cant think of a name. i thought of

Shy but Curious the Explorer Crab. he is:

shy.curious.explorer.escape artist (or at least he WANTS to escape). and i really like him! help!




  1. I would go with Kermit

  2. I have 5 - only a few have names right now because my daughter hasn't finished naming them. So far there is Hermie, Flirt and Jack...

  3. i used to have hermit crabs:





    hehe let me know if you pick any of those;-)

  4. "Oh-you-cute-adorable-thing, you (at least I think so, since you never come out of your shell and all I ever see are busy little legs!" is just too hard to say a hundred times a day.  So, you might want to consider something a little simplier/shorter.

    I've always been partial to the name Xavier (odd, eh?  lol).

    Sebastian and Nemo are popular of course, as is Neptune.

    Let's see... there's: Kinkajou, Peekaboo, Aurora, Arial, Herman on the half shell, Clambo, Oyster, Shelly...

    I'm really not very good at the 'naming game.'  I mean, after all - I call my breeding trio of Leopard Geckos; Zilla, Jaws, and Kong!  (But you should SEE those guys eat!!!)  :))

    The cats are; Lil-bit-o-trouble (but she's into everything and much more than a little bit of trouble!); Loonie-girl (self explanatory); Oh-no-you-don't (Oh-no for short, and he likes to get into mischief, too!), and Squirt (she just seems to love being corrected with a squirt bottle!  I swear she begs for it, and she likes baths, too!).  They are manx cats.

    My snakes are named on a celebrity theme (such as William Snakespear; d**k VanStrike; Stephen King (he's a king, of course), and Gza Gza GaBoa!!!

    Good luck picking one, and sure hope you end up with much better options than I could provide.  lol

    Most importantly - enjoy your little pet!

  5. How about Herman, Bashful, Nosy, or Steve McQueen?

  6. claws



    lil' adventurer

    Magic Johnson (my favorite)

  7. Houdini


    Indy(Indiana Jones)


  8. Diego.

  9. a good dignified name for a Hermit crab is Herman, or Lonely (Hermit, lonely get it!)

  10. Houdini ~ After the famous magician escape artist extraordinaire

  11. mr. krabs

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