
Heroclix question!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I've been looking to get into Heroclix for quite some time but am unsure about one key thing. Are you able to battle different universes against each other? Such as using Batman and Hellboy against Ironman and The Joker? I would like to start playing but only if i can mix universes together. Actually, I'll probably still play but I just wont enjoy it that much.




  1. While only slightly familiar with Heroclix, I would imagine that the different universe figs all use the same basic game mechanic and would be compatible (doesn't seem sound business sense to make them incompatible, frankly)

  2. You can mix and match from different universes.  The figs all use the same gamerules.  They're sold separately I believe, but there's nothing that would stop you from buying some Marvel packs and some DC packs and mixing the two.
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